


TENEGEN - Connect the TEachers to reach and teach the Angol
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Tenegen teachers

WidgamiThe course started in October 2009 and the "course generated content" keeps growing exponentially. We have more than 1000 posts in the forum, we have a survey with 1089 entries given by the students of Hungarian schools - by the members of the

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The course has just begun!

The pilot course of Tenegen has just begun and the work, learning is going on breezily. Almost 90 students has begun to get acquainted with the moodle platform and after some difficulties the substantive work has the main role. Tutors now lay all their efforts on the help of their students. There is a lot to do. Breakers ahead! Bring it on!

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Elindult a képzés!

Elindult a Tenegen projekt kísérleti képzése és a munka, tanulás nagy lendülettel folyik! Majdnem 90 hallgató kezdte meg az ismerkedést a moodle keretrendszerrel és a kezdeti nehézségek után most már az érdemi munkáé a fő szerep. A tutorok most minden idejüket és energiájukat a hallgatók segítésébe fektetik. Rengeteg a tennivaló, a java még hátra van! Hajrá! Mindent bele!

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Tenegen course

Disscussion forum about the courses in Hungary, in Turkey and in Germany!

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End of the first module

The first module of Tenegen's pilot course has just finished. Our expectations were right and the majority of about 90 students who started the course has finished the first module successfully. Something has ended but the course is going on. Let me cite from the world-famous Kusturica movie. "This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship." Keep the pace!

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