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Progress Reports


Dear Partners!

Please see the first two Progress Reports of Tenegen, and follow the others coming soon! You find them here!
Prompt Team


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Oveges Jozsef Vocational and Grammar School 1st meeting video

Oveges - a Hungarian VET school - provides for a number of specialities to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge to nearly 700 students. Their trainings relate to jobs wanted in Hungary, for example in electronics and in engineering professions. You see here the presentation of Árpád Bánhidi, the representative of the school.

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Information Society Education and Research Group 1st meeting video

The Information Society Education and Research Group (ISERG) at the University of West Hungary, Sopron presents TENEGEN consortium not only the newest pedagogical, sociological paradigms in e-learning, but also its experiences in trying out these concepts in the every day practice of with their students. You see here an introduction to network learning, the presentation of the representative of ISERG, Dr. István Bessenyei.

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Dekra Akademie 1st meeting video

DEKRA Akademie, together with its affiliate, DEKRA Qualification, is one of the leading educational providers in Germany and boasts more than 30 years of experience in vocational and further education. Gerald Thiel - the representative of DEKRA gives an introduction to his company, and their aims and planned contribution in Tenegen.

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Dr. Sediviné, Balassa Ildiko 1st meeting video

Ildiko is a Hungarian e-learning expert, who will work in Tenegen as reviewer in Tenegen project

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Progress Report 1


Reporting Period: October 2008 - January 2009 
Date:  January 15, 2009. 

WP0 - Project Management, WP leader: P0-Prompt 

Related results: R1: QM Handbook, R2: TenCom portal, R3: TenCom User Guide


1. Contracts (Partners,Prompt)

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Progress Report 2

!!! en !!!

Reporting Period: October 2008 - January 2009 
Date:  January 15, 2009.

WP1 - System analysis and design on NETIS, WP2 - Sytem analysis and design on SLOOP

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European Year of Creativity and Innovation 2009


2009 a kreativitás és innováció európai éve lesz. Azt hiszem nem csak az európai únióé, hanem ezé a projekté is. A kampány szlogenje is nagyon találó: "Álmodj, alkoss, újíts!".

Ehhez kívánok mindenkinek jó munkát az új év első napjain.

Forrás: hír az Európai Bizottság oldalán

Az európai év webhelye


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I. Oktatás-Informatikai Konferencia

2009. január 30-án első ízben kerül megrendezésre az Oktatás-Informatikai Konferencia.

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Evaluation of kick-off meeting will be closed

!!en!! Dear Partners many thanks for all of you who were filling out the questionnaire! See the attached document containing the report! The figures may be a bit modified later, because one partner was too late in filling out the questionnaire, we will add their evaluation too.

We are not ready with the evaluation. The next tasks:

0. To prepare the final evaluation report including the figure from SZIGSZ.

1. To prepare the report "Minutes of Kick-off meeting" which should summarize the decisions, the next steps of the project activities

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